Customer focused companies make serving their customers' needs their highest priority. This leads to satisfied customers, and a satisfied customer is a loyal customer. Satisfied customers provide cheap advertising by telling their friends about their experiences. It is also much harder to obtain new customers than it is to keep a current customer. Given these facts, it is no surprise that customer satisfaction is a priority for all companies.
Customer focused companies require soft skills in order to be hired as a help desk technician. Some companies expect applicants to have obtained a help desk soft skills certification such as the HDI certification. Employees that provide technical support are periodically provided with training to ensure that their soft skills remain at the level that is required by the company.
Companies know that treating customers well is extremely important in a global competitive marketplace. Typically, the technology and price are similar in all competing companies, with the customer finding the competition that fits their personal needs and tastes the most. When they select a company, it is the company qualities that they perceive and the ability to connect that are most important. This is why customer focused businesses usually perform better than company focused businesses.
Customer focused companies do this in a number of ways.
- Customer surveys provide invaluable information on product and service quality and problem areas.
- Using information from and about customers, companies are able to fine tune their products or services to meet the specific needs of each customer.
- Institute quality check procedures to ensure the expected level of service.
- All employees that deal with customers (such as marketing, sales, and help desk technicians) are provided with training.
- Help Desk software to deal with customer problems in a timely manner.